
Mar, 12, 2016

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a mentor, a coach, a Realtor, but most of all I am a Child of God. My perspective on life will always be biblical. That does not mean I am legalistic, but I will love like Jesus. I will not judge, lest I have walked in your shoes, but my opinion may be different than yours. I will not argue or imply that you are wrong, nor will I be what is called intolerant, because I differ from your opinion. There have been times where people have gotten under my skin and I have truly disliked their actions or words but I have not let it root in my heart to become bitter. If I take that to heart and allow others define me then I have not allowed the Holy Spirit to do His job. No one gets to define me except the one who made me. (Thank you Pricilla Shier). This life is too short and hard to be worried about all the negativity in the world, which there is much. I wish to have my mind focused on the Lord and the positive things I can do to make it a better place. I may complain for a moment but will be reminded that


January 29, 2019

Michelle Cole


  1. Sparrow & Snow

    June 9, 2016

    Stumptown plaid beard hella echo park. Semiotics typewriter blog everyday carry, plaid meh ramps YOLO food truck asymmetrical slow-carb art party four loko. Tilde

    • Sparrow & Snow

      June 9, 2016

      Seitan exercitation, photo booth et 8-bit kale chips.

  2. Sparrow & Snow

    June 9, 2016

    Semiotics typewriter blog everyday carry, plaid meh ramps YOLO food truck asymmetrical slow-carb art party four loko. Tilde.

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I’m a freelance photographer with my roots in Sweden and a little bit of my heart in Portland. I’m also a food lover addicted to cinnamon and that cannot help but seeing faces in objects and places everywhere.I’m open for commissions and collaborations, so feel free to contact me!